Cyber1Defense Communication Charity Africa Team

Foster Dogbe
Expert entrepreneur/ IT support specialist.
Across Africa, our team is dedicated to ensure that women and children from disadvantaged backgrounds have access to top-quality ICT, Cyber Security and financial literacy and wealth management through block chain technologies.
David Kwame Gyedu
Security Officer (CISO)/ Digital Forensics Analyst.
The main objective of C1DCCA is to foster global collaboration in the field of ICT education and financial literacy and wealth management through Block chain & stock technologies.
Hilda Martey
Director, Resource Mobility
Our mission is to provide top-quality ICT, cybersecurity training and financial literacy and wealth management through block chain technologies to disadvantaged youths and women in Africa, particularly those in Ghana, through innovative and effective approaches.
Dr. Osei Bonsu Dickson
Cybersecurity Law Advisor
We strive to be at the forefront of the cybersecurity industry, providing top-notch services to clients across different sectors. Our team is made up of experts with a wealth of experience in cybersecurity, and we are committed to delivering excellence to our clients.
Mrs. Abigail Burgesson
Partnership Advisor
Our team of professionals strives to deliver cutting-edge ICT and cybersecurity training programs to underprivileged women and children across Africa, with a particular focus on Ghana.
Mr. Fred Teye Totimeh
Board Member |. Cyber Security Forensic Investigator | Lecturer
Our team is committed to providing high-quality ICT and cybersecurity training to women and children in Africa who are facing socio-economic obstacles. In particular, our focus is on empowering individuals in Ghana through our program.
Isaac Kwame Tetteh Agbasi
Treasurer | Health Information Officer| Event Manager | Advisory | Marketing Manager
Our primary goal in Africa is to provide unparalleled cybersecurity and ICT instruction to marginalized women and youths. We prioritize those in Ghana who lack access to quality education through inventive and trailblazing tactics.
Prince Phrimpong
Assistance Director/ Lecturer
Our main objective in Africa is to offer outstanding cybersecurity and ICT training to underprivileged women and youths. Through our innovative and pioneering initiatives, our emphasis is on those in Ghana who require access to quality training. Our approach is designed to boost efficiency and creativity, enabling everyone to receive top-notch training and thrive in the digital era.
Emmanuel J.K. Arthur
Corporate Affairs
Our dedicated and expert team is determined to provide innovative and highly-effective ICT and cybersecurity training to underprivileged children and women across Africa, with Ghana being a primary focus.
Seth Appiah
Regarded as a significant move towards promoting equal and inclusive ICT education, the investment community is teaming up to endorse availing free training to the marginalized communities.
Anny Osabutey
Partnership Advisor
Regarded as a significant move towards promoting equal and inclusive ICT education, the investment community is teaming up to endorse availing free training to the marginalized communities.
Mac Papafio Quortey
Investment Community
Our team of professionals strives to deliver cutting-edge ICT and cybersecurity training programs to underprivileged women and children across Africa, with a particular focus on Ghana.
Philip Lavan
Investment Community
The investment community is joining hands to support the provision of free ICT education to underprivileged communities. With their backing, more individuals will access quality training, leading to increased digital literacy, job creation, and economic empowerment.
Stephen Danso
Chief Network Engineer
Our team of professionals strives to deliver cutting-edge ICT and cybersecurity training programs to underprivileged women and children across Africa, with a particular focus on Ghana.
Gideon Agbleze
Network Engineer
In Africa, we are on a mission to deliver superior ICT and cybersecurity training to underprivileged youths and women. We aim to focus mainly on those in Ghana using forward-thinking and pioneering techniques to achieve this goal. Our approach is creative and efficient, aimed at ensuring that everyone receives access to high-end training and is empowered to excel in the digital age.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

-Henry Ford-